Should You Shave Before Or After Showering?
For many of us, showering and shaving are two of the crucial components of our personal care routines. But what order should you do each of these in?
Shaving directly before or after showering can impact your shave, so you’ll want to do some investigating so you can decide which routine is best for you. Luckily, at Wilkinson Sword we are experts on all things shaving, and we want you to have the best shave experience possible. So here’s everything you need to know.
Should you shave before your shower?
Shaving before you shower can be a great option if you’re using an electric shaver or beard trimmer, because these tools work better on dry hair. So if you’ve been using an electric trimmer to shape the edges of your chin strap, or give yourself a fashionably scruffy stubble beard, then this could be the best option for you. Plus, when you then get in the shower post-shave, you can thoroughly rinse any stray hairs, skin particles and leftover shaving cream or soap away, preventing them from getting stuck and possibly irritating your skin during the day.
However, shaving before you shower can have a significant downside, because this means shaving skin that is dryer and less moistened, even if you’ve dampened it. This can increase irritation, particularly for people with sensitive skin types, so if you’re prone to redness and razor burn, you might want to consider shaving after your shower. However, if you don’t have sensitive skin, and you like the speed with which you can power through your pre-shower shave, this could be the right order for you. Just remember to follow up with a good post-shave balm.
Should you shave after your shower?
Shaving after a shower is the classic way to do things, so for many of us this routine feels like a tried and tested safe bet. A nice warm shower softens the skin, washes away dirt and impurities, and opens the pores. This means that, with a generous helping of shaving cream, soap or other shaving product, the razor can glide easily over the skin with less risk of causing abrasion, redness and dryness. This makes it a better suited routine for those who have sensitive and easily irritated skin. If this is something you experience, it’s a good idea to pick out a razor with built-in lubrication. For example, the Wilkinson Sword Hydro 5 Skin Protection Advanced Razor features gel pools which create a protective layer of gel over the skin to enable a smooth, comfortable shave.
Designed to protect your skin from shaving irritation Built-in shock absorption technology. 5 blades with skin guards.
Hydro 5 Ultimate Men’s Razor & Blade Pack
Hydro 5 Ultimate Razor Blades
All of this sounds great, but it’s worth bearing in mind that shaving after you shower generally takes a little longer. You also have to make sure that you’ve thoroughly rinsed off any excess shaving cream or soap or stray hairs. Plus, you do have to deal with the annoyance of a fogged up mirror. And, the post-shower shave is the domain of the traditional razor; using an electric shaver or beard trimmer isn’t going to work on damp skin and facial hair.
Should I shave in the shower?
If you’re in a serious hurry, shaving in the shower may feel like the best option for you. Of course, electric shavers and trimmers are never to be paired with running water! But if you’re wanting to save time while sticking to your classic razor, this could work for you.
Of course, in the shower you get all the benefits of warmth and moisture for shaving. Your skin and facial hair is softened, the hairs stand up slightly, so they are easier to shave, and your razor glides more easily over your skin.
However, the difficulty in getting a good shower shave when compared to shaving at a sink is getting the right mirror and lighting. To shave well in the shower, you’re going to need to find yourself a fog-resistant mirror, and make sure that there is a good direct light source. If you can’t see what you’re doing properly, you could miss a spot and end up looking patchy, or even end up giving yourself a nasty cut. But, if you can create a shower shaving set-up which works for you, this could be a great way to save time while also getting a quality shave.